
Focus on healthy relationships

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Relationships – the meaning of life. To understand this, we have to answer the following questions : ‘Where does the meaning of life come from? Why do we exist here on this earth?’ For me, the meaning of our life stems from our relationship with God and with Jesus. We also must remember that the relationship between God as a father and Jesus as a son preceded our relationship with them. In other words, the meaning of all the existence of the universe stems from that pre-existent relationship between God and Jesus.

In all the above, we come to understand the term God as relational. It is easier to see this concept with the word father or mother: These words cannot be defined alone. To be a father e.g. is to be a father of someone. Father implies relationship. Fatherhood cannot be in and of itself. Just take time to read the scriptures. You will note that throughout they unfold God’s central nature as that of a father.

To put it simply, in our family e.g., I am a mother to my children, and what happens in our lives is an extension of my mothering relationship to them. The children would not even exist had it not been for the relationship between me and my husband; the children are a fruit and extension of that relationship. In addition, everything we own is an extension of that relationship. When purchasing these, our primary interest was not in the items themselves, but in providing for our family members. Likewise, everything that exists in the universe is in some way a product of God’s relationship to Jesus as His Son. Not only what we have, but also what we do is a product of our relationship. For instance, my husband owns a farm, and part of the reason for this is to provide an income for my family = relationships! Relationships = life. No relationships = no life. Relationship is indeed the meaning of life. n

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